The impact of chromite sand on workpiece

The impact of chromite sand on workpiece
It is believed that the particle size of chromite sand  can reveal the past finish, but it will reduce the surface finish. In the sand mold processed by chromite sand , the surface of the sand mold is usually a coarse-grained surface, and there is almost no particle size of the casting, and the core of the casting is generally , The suitable particle size of the sand mold used in the modeling of large steel castings is AFS40-45, and the particle size of the sand mold for some medium and small parts is AFS45-50 mesh. There are also some special cases such as: small industries, economic considerations, the application of chromite sand is mainly for large-scale low-carbon steel parts, Dalian heavy workpieces, double-layer steel castings, etc. The chromite sand  purchased by these factories is very fine, AFS60 -70 etc. In the case of a smaller size, this large-sized ordinary alloy steel casting is more suitable for molding with ore sand. For ten years, the tonnage of chromite sand  is AFS40-45. Recently, the best material for automobile engines is required, but even the industry’s A large number of castings are also made of chromite sand , mainly because of the high refractoriness of chromite sand , which can make the surface smooth and high-quality castings.

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