Precautions for using casting sand:

Precautions for using casting sand:

1. When adding drainage sand, the seat brick and the water outlet must be filled fully, and the water outlet should form a spherical crown.

2. Before feeding, maintain the cleanliness of the seat bricks and flow steel channels, and there should be no residual steel or residue to avoid affecting the self opening rate.

3. Packaging: Ensure dryness and moisture resistance. Conditional manufacturers can pre bake before use, and the individual weight and material can be provided according to user requirements.

4. Before using the ladle, it should be baked to a red hot state (above 1100C). The cold furnace and ladle are prone to failure to automatically start pouring.

5. When tapping, the steel flow should not be directly aligned with the steel mouth, otherwise it will result in the inability to self open.

6. Manufacturers who bake alloys with steel ladles should be careful not to damage the drainage sand at the water outlet when adding alloys.

What are the commonly used casting sands: chromite sand ceramic sand

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