Reclamation and Application of Composite Chromite Sand

Reclamation and Application of Composite Chromite Sand

  • The source of the rejected chromite sand included two aspects:
  • ( 1 )The rejected sand produced from the unqualified sand cores;
  • (2)The mixing-prepared core sand rejected due to having been held too long. The main procedures of the regeneration treatment of the rejected sand were as follows:roasting the rejected sand to make the sand collapse,washing off resin~clay and impurities,and dehydrating the sand by baking,et al.
  • Comparison was conducted between using normal raw sand to make cores and using regenerated sand to make cores,the result showed:
  • ( 1 )The usage of regenerated sand could reduce production cost,improve utilization of the resource and reduce pollution;
  • (2)The strength property of the regenerated composite chromite sand was good to meet the properties requirements of core sand;
  • (3)Inner cavity of castings produced with regenerated composite chromite sand had good smoothness,no burning-on,and thereby could guarantee the inner cavity quality of castings;
  • (4)Since regenerated composite chromite sand was used for castings production, the scrap rate caused by core breaking and sand inclusion has been slightly decreased.
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