The production process of chromite sand

Chromite ore is predominantly used in the production of ferrochrome – an alloy of chrome and iron containing between 50% and 70% chromium.

The production of steel is the largest consumer of ferrochrome, especially stainless steel production which contains between 10% and 20% ferrochrome content.

The process of chromite ore mining can be divided into 2 areas:

1. Feed preparation

2. Concentration

The feed preparation stage involves the introduction of various physical separation equipment including crushers, screens, and grinding mills. The principal function of this stage is size reduction in preparation for the concentration phase.

The concentration phase introduces hydrocyclone technology and spirals to produce the chrome concentrate from which the final product will be derived. The wastewater from this process will report to tailings dams where an additional filtration stage may be employed.

We offer a range of equipment for the processing of chromite ore:


Our Infinity screens can be employed for the classification of chromite ore in preparation for the further stages of processing.


Our hydrocyclone technology can be employed to remove unwanted fines from your chromite ore prior to material being stacked before the heap leaching process.


Our RotoMax logwasher is suitable when processing chromite ore with clay contamination. The scrubbing process of the logwasher facilitates the breaking down and effective removal of these clays from your chromite ore, introducing efficiencies to downstream processes.

Tailings management

The move to zero tailings is facilitated by the specification of a customised filter press which reduces waste and also ensures a significant reduction in health & safety risks on site.

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